World Blogger Championship of Online Poker


Saturday, March 15, 2008

It Don't Take No Software to Tell You Everything....

Does it matter what day of the week it is?

After a frustrating Friday night losing about $7, I became curious about my Friday night play. On or around December 1, prior to my blogging days, well into this experiment, I had played an enourmous number of hands in November because I was basically too sick to do anything else. I played a huge amount on the weekends, where a quick analysis revealed I had lost $45 on Saturdays and Sundays since the beginning of my experiment.

With this in mind after my dismal Friday night performance of marathon play, I became curious if my Friday nights were costing me money. In fact, going back to Jan. 1, my Friday night play has lost me $27. With my bankroll currently under $10, it is cause for reflection. I can remember thinking last night how tired and grumpy I was - I was short on sleep all week. But, Friday night was my night to vegg out, eat pizza, and play poker. I should have gone to bed rather than play so much. Duh. I wonder if that will show up in Poker Tracker!

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