Tuesday, February 26, 2008
No News is Bad News

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Boy, I Needed That!

Maybe I'll try more 45 player tourneys; when my bankroll was smaller, it didn't seem to make sense. I'm ready to give it a try more often. Maybe some time away from the ring games will do me some good. I'm happy to have figured out how to include my dates on the graph; I'd been working on that for a while.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I was determined to not have a 4th buy-in, so played the FFP freerolls to get back up to minimum buy-in range. Here are some more recent entries from this week...

Yes, on one hand it is quite an accomplishment. But I have so far to go. Or do I? I have grown my bankroll by a factor of 97 since December 7. If I can repeat this feat in the same amount of time, I would be almost half way to my goal ($4,985.80) by April. It is true that as my bankroll (and therefore buy-in) increases, my rate of changes increases much faster.
One other thing to consider....the level of play. I am still at the .01/.02 tables. Perhaps when I move up in the limits I will meet with resistance from superior players. But after all, poker is poker, right?
The longer I'm at this, the more convinced I am that I will make it to $10,000. It's good to be naive!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Long, Boring Slog...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
What does tilt look like?

I'm pretty sure that I got so excited about this experiment that I actually went a little overboard and played way too much. Synonymous' post expressing concern about 3:00 a.m. posts says a lot. Poker fans, I've run up a sleep deficit. Now I'm actually achey and sick.
The remedy? I'm going to bed by 11:00 5 nights per week in February. (Don't larugh, I know it is nearly midnight - I'm cleaining up after a Super Bowl party.) As for poker, less is more. I'll be playing fewer sessions, and probably just about everyday, but I expect the quality of my play to improve as I get proper rest. I have not been rested lately, and I plan to become more effective in my all my various roles. I've also vowed not to get too greedy in February.
Thanks for checking in....You can check back here to see what impact proper rest has on poker.
By the way, if you are reading this, shouldn't you take the $10 to $10,000 Challenge?
If you see Chris Ferguson, let him know how I'm doing.